HELP CONVERT FILE showing in POS startup

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HELP CONVERT FILE showing in POS startup

Post by sstone » Thu Jun 10, 2010 6:32 am

Dale, firstly thanks for the great program - we are a new start up business in new Zealand and have been using for several month now it has been a great cost saver and blessing to the business..

I have hit a technical issue today and would like to get some guidance as to the best option of resolving. I have had a quick look around the POS.HTM but have not yet seen a troubleshooting resolution.

For some reason _ i am not 100% sure of the trigger, everytime the POS system starts it asks for the CONVERT file program (we are unable to get into POS system), our system is on a standalone PC with no network capabilities). When I follow the prompts I can only cancel, when pressing the Continue with file conversion I get "error in module Convert line 0" - message.

1 option I have not yet tried is to erase the stock table. Before I do this I need to be sure on how to recover it. I have backed it up from the POSCONFIG section. I have full use of the PSCONFIG program - it is just the POS that is not working. FORUM suggests that the Stock table is corrupted this looks to trigge rthe CONVERT program to run - therefore - i suspect I need to delete the STOCK Table - if I do this will the following work to restore from last backup;

From earlier posted Forum feedback on slightly different issue
If you are in the stock table and press [F5] to move or export lines from the stock table the first thing it will do is to ask you if you want to back up the stock table or restore the stock table from a previous backup. If you want to manually back up the stick table read this about file name The files you need to back up have the extensions of .TBL and .IDX - I have these files present

If you are able to confirm this is my best option to resolve this without the thought of dropping all my sales history or Stock Details (1200+) - we recently closed the journal for the financial year end here in NZ [1 April 2010]. so we have a lot of data (sales) that we would not like to lose track of.

We are using version 7.03

Again thanks for a great product and look forward to some feedback on this

Rodney Walker
IT manager / Director
Soulstone Dancewear

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Re: HELP CONVERT FILE showing in POS startup

Post by daleadmin » Thu Jun 10, 2010 5:48 pm

If the problem is with the stock table (probably) then deleting the stock table and then restoring the stock table will probably just put you in the same boat where you find yourself now. But it costs nothing to try. Back up the .TBL and .IDX files (the [F5] Move / Export thing will do that) and then have Convert delete the stock table and see what happens. Then use the [F5] to restore the stock table and see what happens.

If it works when the stock table is deleted and screws up when you restore the stock table then send your .TBL and .IDX files to me as an attachment to an email and I will fix it and send it back.


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