Gift Card Report

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Gift Card Report

Post by bwhatley87 » Tue May 17, 2011 12:13 pm

Let me just start by saying I LOVE DHPOS. Even as a kid learning how to use a 3.1 computer, I had DHPOS to play around with, I remember my first usage of it being in a concession stand about 10 years ago! So I'm always looking for an excuse to use it.

This summer I'm doing probably my most complex setup of it being at a music camp. I want to setup "gift cards" for all of the students for their parents to preload.

At the end of the three weeks, I would like to be able to print out a report with every gift card and the remaining balance to help smooth the checkout process and allow parents to collect the balance without having to key in each number individually.

Is this possible?

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Re: Gift Card Report

Post by daleadmin » Tue May 17, 2011 12:59 pm


It is not possible, here is why.

Think of your gift cards as credit cards that anyone can use as long as they have the card ID#. You do not need a PIN number or a signature to use it, you do not even actually need the card, all you need is the card ID#. There is no bank or credit card company tracking the use of the card and there is no limit on fraudulant use of the card, the only limit is the value of the card.

You sure would not want all those card ID#s fall into the wrong hands. But if some untrustworthy person could print a report with all the gift card ID#s and all their values he would be in hog heaven. How long would it take for him to to drain all the cards of their values? The results would be too horrible to contimplate. (Although I do have a weird sense of humor.) While I do understand that you would not do this and you may be the only employee in your shop this is not not true of all the other 375,000 installs of this program.

So even though I no longer protect users from themselves I do sometimes protect their customers. I'm just strange that way.


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Re: Gift Card Report

Post by bwhatley87 » Tue May 17, 2011 1:31 pm

Thats ok, thought it was worth asking. Because of the nature of why we are doing, we will have a list of ids an we will just have to go through them one by one.

Thanks for the incredibly quick response. I have another question but I'll put it in a new topic when I get to a PC.

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Re: Gift Card Report

Post by daleadmin » Tue May 17, 2011 4:18 pm

You're welcome. We aim to please. Usually low and inside.


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