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DHPOS Stock Table - online

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 11:29 pm
by Andrew
This afternoon I whipped up a quick online catalogue using Dale's example keyshop stock table.

Basically it uses a database of the stock table from DHPOS and allows it to be displayed, searched etc via a website (no - not an online shopping site).

The process is documented via a link at the bottom of the website and you can have a play around here:

Stock lookup

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 4:09 am
by Dale Harris

I think that you have outdone yourself on this one. This is a really wonderful idea.

However just to give you an idea of what my life with POS is like, here are couple of suggestions. (It never ends.) :)

How about a program that runs in the background (like aprint) that will automatically update your program's database every hour or so. Then on your program's screen you could have a "Last updated 01/02/06 at 14:33" tag. This of course would only work on networked registers so that your program and POS could both access the stock table at the same time.

Be able to search not only the description but also the stock number and vendor stock number. Possibly price with a range, i.e. find everyting from 12.00 to 25.00.

After a search display all the information on each item found, stock number, vendor number, description, price, inventory, in the list so that you do not have to click on an individual item for the information. Makes comparison shopping faster.

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 5:05 am
by Andrew
Thanks Dale,

I had discussed this with someone in private in the chatroom the other day, that discussion focussed on an SQL database server (capable of handling tonnes of records) whereas this prototype runs off lil' ol Access which is perfectly fine in my opinion for this kind of size.

I would have implemented some of your feature suggestions (particularly the price range search) but I ran out of time before coming to work so hopefully I can have a play on this over the next few days.

Searches and Browsing
I plan to allow searches by practically any field available, currently my example export from DHPOS only included stock #, description, reg. price, inventory count.

Also browsing/searching by category is something else I want to put in too - once I pry that format out of your hands ;)

As for the auto-update, yup - definitely. Most windows versions include the task scheduler which can run a task or program at scheduled intervals.

All I have to do is write a single application to export the table, and import it into Access. Currently a butchered version of your QuickBASIC stock table example pumps the table into a CSV file, which is then manually imported into Access.

Future Possibilities
I'd love to enable people who are issued gift certificates to check their balances online, etc. Maybe even a function for customers who have their information in DHPOS to review their transactions online also (via a secure login of course).

Current Limitations
Because the system is written in ASP, it requires to be run on a webhost who uses Windows web servers - which can cost slightly more than a Linux based host (more common).

However I had also pondered the possibility of a hosted version where stores could share hosting space organised by myself and simply use the auto-updater to update their stock status while they don't have to be technical and worry about organising a webhost and uploading files etc.

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 2:17 pm
by anwoke8204
It was I, the other Andrew who is looking at that, I am trying to make a online applet to interface with DHPOS so we only have to maintain 1 stock table instead of 2.(right now we se a seperate online pos for customer house calls so we can ring them up on the spot, or give them quotes)but would rather just use the 1 stock table based off of dhpos. only problem is I only know html and php so I would have to use a mysql database as I have no experience with access databases.
I would like to work with you on this if you are interested, I know how to get the info from the database to the website, but not from the stocktable/dhpos to the database.

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 2:32 pm
by Andrew
Hi anwoke,

I wasn't sure who it was I'd spoken with. Anyways, getting the stock information is incredibly easy:

- I used Dale's stock table example to export the stock items in plain text to a local file

- I then opened a blank MS Access database, and used the Get External Data - Import feature to import the data into a new table.

I'm not sure how you'd do this in mysql as it doesn't have a pretty furry front-end to help out. When I automate these two steps into one for the online store catalogue, I will probably be using SQL INSERT/UPDATE statements (yes, using Access is the same as mysql, you use SQL statements to alter the data) to transfer from the plaintext file to the database.

The program will use the UPDATE command to update all existing stock numbers in the database, the INSERT command to add stock items which exist in the plaintext file but not in the database, and the DELETE command to remove entries from the database which are no longer in the plaintext file.

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 1:54 am
by Andrew
Today's Updates

Stock Number
You can now enter a stock number into the keyword search.

Search Results
Now a bit tidier and indicate in stock status in search results.

Similarly Priced Items
When viewing the details of a stock item, up to two similarly priced (cheaper than current product) items are shown at the bottom of the screen.

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 2:18 am
by bdude
I think it would be better to use PHP/MySQl, more people have these servers because they are cheaper than a ASP server.

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 2:34 am
by Andrew
I was waiting for this...

a) I don't know enough PHP, I self taught myself ASP and it works well for my needs
b) Access is a heck of a lot simpler for these relatively small databases
c) A webhost running Windows does not cost a heck of a lot more nowadays
d) I already explained a possible hosted version for those who do not want to organise their own host

Regardless of what it runs on, I'm kinda proud of it and it's fun - if you don't like my selected technologies... it's a free world - PHP and mySQL are also free, go write an alternative.

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 7:13 pm
by [eachey-aint-logged-in
would love to try it our get this error

Welcome to our Store!
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01b6'

Object doesn't support this property or method: 'Count'

/dh/dhpos/index.asp, line 30

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 7:34 pm
by Andrew
You're probably getting that because I'm uploading changes to it right NOW. At the time you were browsing, I was testing a feature to count the number of visitors currently on the site - hence the error.

Please remember this is a prototype and I am constantly changing things on it, if something spits an error out - I'm probably uploading a change or testing something.

I test changes locally on my machine and also by uploading them to the live demo site, if an error shows up - try again in a couple of minutes. If the problem doesn't go away after a while, please let me know.

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 7:50 pm
by Peachey-Notloggedin
Would it be possible to change the color of the hyperlink in Banner #2


Online POS

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 3:22 am
by Guest
Maybe you could have an page that could configure the skin, or a file to configure the skin so store owners could match it with their web site. Maybe an online CP?

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 3:33 am
by Andrew

The completed version will have an online control panel. Right now - you can fiddle with most of the colours using the "Change colour scheme" link from the front-page.

The link to the colour settings is only there for demo purposes, and I plan to design a feature for people to setup and select from a range of "themes".

Of course the control panel is to have other functions such as the ability to alter some of the layout, customise what information is shown and hidden etc.

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 3:35 am
by Andrew
Peachey-Notloggedin wrote:Would it be possible to change the color of the hyperlink in Banner #2
Short answer: yes

Long answer: yes, but I am a bit old-school and believe MOST (not all of course) hyperlinks should still be blue and underlined - in keeping with original guidelines for HTML coding.

It's certainly easier to spot a blue underlined link, than a pink, non underlined one, anywho - the text links may be replaced with small images to form the menu in the future.

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 2:09 am
by Guest
yes i understand that links by defult should be blue but that causes a slight promblem when you want a blue banner.
