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History error

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 12:50 am
by Dale Harris

Actually Mr. Stupid, who writes the code for this thing, should have tried out the history reports with no data in the history file so that he could have added an error trap to the program that would have prevented the program from crashing. I bet that there will be a BETA 3 version of this thing up sometime tomorrow morning.

See, that is why beta testers are needed.


Zero History

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 4:36 pm
by Dale Harris

I have fixed the program so that if there are zero items in the history when doing a history report the program will no longer die. Here is the next beta test version...

This version has been released at....
<center> </center>

Bug Report: Auto Reports Setup for Reports Files FAILS

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:23 am
by brucef2112
Hi Dale,
DL the latest 638b3 to test. While testing the Auto Reports the program throws an error msg and then ends the app when trying to program/setup reports to data files. I'm not sure what is happening but I can reproduce it every time. Even using several different "Store" db's.

Here's the error message:
"File already open in line 2 of module FILINF02 at address 1415:6D5C"
"Hit any key to return to system

I tried to setup auto report to run report F. and then report C. The program dies as soon as I pick the C report. I think the F report is the problem. I'm not sure but i think any report after F. causes this.
As you'll see in the example I am printing to data files.

If you want to see the error message on your computer just follow along;
From the Sales - Merchandise Reports Menu
Select F1 > F1 > F [ENTER] > Press the Any Key > [TAB] > 3 > [ENTER] > [ENTER] {to accept the default file name} > [Esc] > C > [ENTER]

Application dies.....
I tried this about 6 or 7 times with different 2nd reports other than C. I even did the F4 delete file to start over. Every time it kills the App. Tried different DB's with different configs with same results.

I'm still banging on it......

(a beta testing fool)


Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:02 pm
by Dale Harris

I fixed your report "F" thing and another bug that I found concerning the printer error trap when running the keystroke file.

After that I have been running the program for about 6 hours with no other problems. I am feeling pretty confident about the resulting BETA version which can be downloaded here...

This version has been released at....
<center> </center>

It comprises all the current .EXE program files so make backups of your current files before you download and unzip this file in your current POS folder and you must currently be using version 6.37 to test this file, blah, blah, blah.

If no more problems with this BETA version are found I may upload the release version of 6.38 tonight.

Auto Reports Setup: Suggest Confirmation to del file

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 11:40 pm
by brucef2112
Hi Dale,
You may want to consider adding a Delete File Confirmation for the auto reports.
With the F3 (test key) being so close to the F4 (del file key) it would seem easy to hit or bump F4 key and lose the setup file.

Aside from no confirmation it is also leaves the luser clueless to what just happened because hitting the F4 key "looks" like you just went back one menu when in fact you killed their setup file and then went back one menu (and said nothing about it).

You have the "File Saved" confirmation in other parts of the app. I propose that there should also be a "File Deleted" confirmation to inform the user that the file is killed before going back to the main reports menu.

This UI would make sense.
If user hits F4, Msgbox the user to confirm deletion of setup file.
User has option to Continue or Cancel
If user cancels, just return to reports menu.
if user Continues, kill the file and then Msgbox the user that the file has been deleted. User OK's, and App returns to the Reports Menu.

That aside, I DL the b4 and Auto reports seems to be tight.

(a beta testing fool)


Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 11:51 pm
by Dale Harris

It should be pretty easy to tell if you pressed [F3] or [F4].

If you press [F3] the program will tell you that you are about to test the keystroke file and then do it.

If you press [F4] the program will directly return you to the main menu and the little blue box on the left (the lower one) will tell you that "No auto file exists"

Thread continues at....

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 8:56 pm
by Dale Harris
The saga of the beta test for POS version 6.38 continues at ... =5956#5956