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Tax Config. Help - State w/Sales Tax Bracket system

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 7:50 pm
by brucef2112
Is there any work around in DHPOS to calculate Sales tax based on a bracket system?
Florida's general sales tax rate is 6%, however there is an established "bracket system" for collecting sales tax on any part of each total taxable sale that is less than a whole dollar amount.

< whole $ Sales
Sale Amnt TAX
.00 - .09 = .00
.10 - .16 = .01
.17 - .33 = .02
.34 - .50 = .03
.51 - .66 = .04
.67 - .83 = .05
.84 -1.00 = .06

Example for a sale's Sub Total of $10.67
Those of us (with a common sense factor of 67+) would say the tax is .64 cents.
$10.67 X .06 = .64

Based on the State of Floriduhh (w/common sense factor of -1 and a greed factor of 100) the tax should be .65 cents.
10.00 X .06 = .60
.67 bracket = .05
FL Tax .65

I wrote a program to analize my Jurnal file to count the number of
sales that are cheating the state of FL out of their Sense. Based on the bracket system, it comes out to be about 3% to 4% of my sales are comming up short on the tax, so says the State of Floriduhh Bracket Table.

Many regular cash registers have a bracket table that can be setup for
break points of different State's tax systems. Does a future version of DHPOS have a chance at having a tax bracket table?

In my case, if there's no workaround, I can just keep running my program on each month's jurnl to calculate the number of cents I didn't collect and take it out of my own pocket to appease the Floriduhh Tax Gods.

<Will work for food...>

Tax freedom

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 11:37 pm
by Dale Harris
America (an the last time I checked Florida was still approximately located in or near America) is the land of the free. And this mostly means that our various government functionaries are free to do pretty much anything they want, especially in the area of setting taxes.

In a few places (the deep woods), at certian times (usually on a Tuesday), under special conditions (a full moon is usually helpful) the local tax folks may be able to create a sales tax that will not only make some sense to the general public but it will be possible to figure out the tax rate without resorting to calculus, string theory, or inspecting the entrails of animals. But that rarely happens.

Usually sales tax rates are conjured up with help from the Department of Practial Jokes. Then they are inflicted on an unsuspecting public while back in the tax office they are just laughing themselves silly watching us trying to figure out what they came up with this time.

This would not be so bad if all the tax folks got together and decided to come up with the same joke for everyone. However there are 50 different states and they all seem to be having a contest to see who can confuse their public the most. I can just see someone running into the Florida tax office with an email and saying, "Did you see what they did in Tennessee? Now we have to come up with something even dumber!"

The problem is even greater once you realize that not only is DHPOS used in the U.S. but also around the world. Want to help me try to decypher the tax laws of Togo?

Currently the most complicated part of DHPOS is calculating the taxes. Computer code that applies to one location does not apply to another location and must be ignored. But in a 3rd location it will apply, but differently. In a 4th location none of the previous code can be used. Single tax, double tax, tax on tax, different rates, different rounding factors, different rates on different things calculated differently. Tax exempt, maybe?

Then sometimes I just have to make a change for France, but when I do, that somehow screws up the tax calculation for Dubai and Kenya and I have to go back and do it all over again.

So what does all this mean for tax brackets? It means probably not unless all of a sudden vast numbers of users surround my house chanting "Tax brackets, Tax brackets, Tax brackets" and will not go away until I do it.

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 7:15 pm
by brucef2112
Thanks Dale,
I'll be over in the corner, inbetween the 3rd and 4th location playing
with the string theory while I wait for the others to gather outside....

As always, thanks for your efforts!
<sitting in sunny south floriduhh>