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Some Bugs version 4.27 ?

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2004 11:36 pm
by Robman
Complements of the season and also congrats for the new forum.
1- When applying a % discount via the reduction key , the program exits.
2- This is a suggestion, when using the void key on the purchase screen, is it possible to use a password to gain access. The reason for this I experainced that after calling up a parked sale , the cashier was able to void the sale, creating a bit of havoc as the customers had not yet called for thier bill.The parked sale was completely lost.Also passwords for certain areas of reporting?.

I am using the DHPOS program in a pub/restaurant for the past 6 months, prevouisly in a Coffee Shop restuarant for 10 months.



Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 12:21 am
by Dale Harris

#1, What is happening is that the fields for printing the reductions are missing. Use the "Receipt language" feature of the POSCONFG.EXE program and set the defaults for the fields in to upper left of the screen or you can just default the entire screeen if you wish.

#2, While it is always possible to erase stuff by pressing the wrong key you have to try not to do that. To void a current sale you have to press at least two buttons (or the same button twice), that will usually prevent someone from doing it by accident. But I do have to admit that there are talented people out there who's ability to screw something up is beyond all comprehension. Unfortunatly there are too many reasons for legitamately needing to void an in-progress sale (usually involving customer stupidity, a bottomless resource) to require a password to do that.

#3, You can already set passwords for the "Reports" feature and the "Close" feature. What other reports do you want to password?

Bugs In Using Parking and "Go To Next Sale" Mode

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 8:06 am
by ChrisKraus
I have had some trouble when using Parking and the "Go To Next Sale" mode. Sometimes you can accidently erase already parked sales and stuff. It's very weird and hard to explain.
Also, When You Press <B>F5</b> and Press <B>ESC</b> it Voids the sale. Usually, In situations like this, Pressing <B>ESC</B> would get out of the menu and go back to the transaction. Same thing with pressing the F key again.