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Re: Rewards Feature

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 6:55 pm
by daleadmin
Another baby step.

Version 7.1k BETA9 fixes the bug reported by cpb14 where it would sometimes ask twice if you wanted to make the entire sale tax exempt.

Same link


Re: Rewards Feature

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 12:07 pm
by broyer
These issues are in the most recent beta. When voiding a transaction, I have noticed a couple of issues:

1. When a customer is opted out of the rewards program, voiding a transaction removes reward points from their account.

For example, if a customer buys $10 worth, but is opted out of the rewards program, they will receive 0 points. If the transaction is voided, their new reward points total is -10.

2. If a customer purchases $10 worth of merchandise, he is rewarded 10 points, a total of 10 points on the account. Voiding the transaction will result in a loss of 20 points, bringing his total to -10 points rather than 0.

Also, is there any way to change the default opt-in or out behavior? I would prefer to have transactions using customer info opt-in by default, as we would not be using the feature otherwise.

I hope the input might help. DHPOS has been a blessing to our business. Thank you so much for giving up your time and expertise to help others.

Re: Rewards Feature

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 12:25 pm
by cpb14
Im almost postive that is happening because dale has not finished the beta that will handle voids.

Re: Rewards Feature

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 6:37 pm
by daleadmin

CB is correct. I am currently working on voids with points and it will work correctly when I am done with it.

When entering a new person into the database it is just not that hard to hit the function key to have them OPT IN to the points system. I do realize that you will also have to OPT IN all your current customers once you are able to implement points in your store.

Originally there was to be no opting in or out, all customers would be in the rewards program. Then some folks told me that in their location customers have to have the option of opting out of the rewards program. So I made the choice to make OPT OUT the default so that no one had to worry about bing accused of forcing customers into the rewards program. This is also easier to code since in programming 0 = no and 1 = yes and of course 0 is the default what creating a file.
