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Minor Feature

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 6:36 am
by small
I think That when a sale gets parked that it should Auto Park the sale using the receipt number. What does everyone else think. Good Idea?

Re: Minor Feature

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 5:03 pm
by daleadmin

One of the original purposes of the parking feature was to use it for a restaurant with table service. That way the the sale could be parked with a code for the wait person and the table number. For example if the wait person was in the associate list as #12 and the meal was served at table 17, then the sale could be parked as 1217.

Other folks could come up with their own code to indicate where to look in the parking lot for a particular parked sale. But this could not happen if sales were automatically parked with the transaction number.


Re: I don't know where I parked?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 9:53 pm
by brucef2112
I agree with Dale. Humans can be creative in 'coding' a transaction ID that makes sense to them in their particular store thereby making it easy to retrieve parked sales later. And without much fuss in both saving and retrieving.

An automated trans # does not offer a human a good reference to the parked sale unless a description could be added next to it. Then in the list of parked sales one would see the trans # with its description. One may be thinking; 'what a great idea!'. However all this does is replace typing a number to now entering verbose amount of text next to an automated number. Nothing saved; but it makes it a lot more cumbersome to park a sale.
Aside from not manually entering a number, I just don't see how this is a 'feature' in any retail, restaurant or other setting.

This did raise an idea for a new feature related to the parked sales that I would like to propose.
The feature would provide a preview pane to browse through the details of existing parked sales. One would be able to make a selection based on what they remember was in the sale not just a coded number.
How it works:
When you go to retrieve a parked sale, the DEFAULT would be just as it is. (because it works so well).
You see the list of parked sales numbers. > You enter the one you want and hit enter. Your done!

A scenario in which an added preview feature would help: I know I'm employee 12 but for some reason I can't recall what the details between my parked sales 1241,1244, 1254.

I go to the Park screen > Hit a "magic 'F' key" and I am now able to scroll up/dwn through the parked sales to see the basic description of the sales content. Kind of like the 5. VOID feature but not necessarily full screen. Maybe a split screen at bottom or even a 1/4 screen may suffice with just enough info to tickle my memory about the sale. I'd then browse through until I found the parked sale I needed and then hit a magic key to retrieve it or I could just take note of the Park Sale's number and hit Esc.

This would be easier than the current method of finding a 'lost' parked sale. Which is pulling up each parked sale and re-parking because it wan't the one you remembered it to be and going back to select the next.

I don't 'Park' enough to really need it. But I can see the benefit to those who 'Park' often and 'Park' a lot of sales.
This would add a 'Coolness Factor' of about 87 to the current Park Sales feature.
Dale It may be easy to implement/reuse code from the 5.Void feature and get it in. Otherwise put this in the think about pile.