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Stock table look up error

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 12:21 pm
by kaput1982
Were running two networked registers. The one register is fine, but the other keeps giving me a "Cannot find this number in the stock table" error message. It only does it on some items. It doesn't matter if I scan the number in or type it in I get the same error. If I press F1 from that register I can find the item in the stock table. If I press F1 and try and search using the stock number I get the error, but if I arrow down to the item and press enter it works fine.

Our other register looks fine. I've double checked that both registers have the correct network path to global. We are running Version 7.1j.

Any ideas why something in the stock table would not be able to be found?

Re: Stock table look up error

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 11:09 pm
by daleadmin
Are all 3 folders running the same version of DHPOS?