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Serial Printing now Works

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 1:48 pm
by Doug
I have found a way to enable a serial printer to work with the POS program:

Below are instructions on how to setup your Windows 2000 machine to redirect the LPT printer in DOS to the COM port in DOS. As a note, remove ALL drivers which are using LPT and COM in Windows before proceeding.

Below is the two lines you need to paste into a batch file.

mode com1 baud=9600 data=8 parity=n stop=1
mode lpt1=com1

Once you've created the batch file, have a shortcut placed into the Startup group in the Start Menu. This will redirect all LTP1 traffic to COM1.

Now you can switch your DOS POS Application to use LPT1 now :)

This works perfectly. The one thing you need to watch out for is the Baud Rate. This must be the same as the printer so you may need to try different setting depending upon your printer (ie. 19200, etc).
