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tax problem

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 5:19 am
by ozzie
In Oz we have to display the price of a product with
GST tax included (10%)
then in the reciept it has to show the tax portion
so if an item is $10 the tax would be $10/11 = $0.90
this then has to be paided to the good old tax department

could this be included in a future version ?
or if it is already .. um where is it , i have looked really !


Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 6:52 am
by Andrew
Note to other readers: Oz=Australia :)

Have you looked at the "Tax Rates" option in POSCONFG? By setting up your rates there, specifying as 'included tax' they will print on your receipts.

If in doubt - the manual has a full section under "TAX RATES", the manual is called REGISTER.TXT and came with your POS download, it should be in the same folder where you unzipped DHPOS to. Here's a small portion:
DHPOS User Manual wrote:To set up a tax table for your register use the "Tax rates" function in the POSCONFG.EXE program. You may also edit the tax table from the register program without a password, if you wish to prevent this, set "Should a sales person be allowed to change the tax rates without using a password." to "NO" and enter a password.

You may enter the tax rates into two columns. If your location has only one tax for each separate item then only fill in the LEFT column. If your location has two tax rates for each separate item, for example a federal tax and a local tax, and the different taxes must be tracked separately, then you must fill in both columns. Fill in the LEFT column for the federal tax and the RIGHT column for the local tax.

To change the text on the receipt from "TOTAL TAX" to something else like "TOTAL PST COMPONENT" you must enter the new text at the top of the proper column on the tax table.