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DH POS and cash drawer

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 7:58 pm
by okiepc
Hi all,
Before I ask a question, let me state, I have been learning DH POS
for the last three years as time permits. I am able to set this fine program up with ease and I have learned so much by working with DH POS as it has challenged me but I kept with it.

I have set it up with receipt printer on a com port along with a regular printer on my printer port, I can do almost anything I wish except open the cash drawer.

I am using a Citizen Idp 3540 printer on com port, my drawer is wired to my printer and I have tried every method I know to open this.

I know that it will work as I have another POS program that WILL open the drawer just as it is set up with no change.

It may sound like a small problem but this is my last hurdle to completion.

Any answers appreciated

Re: DH POS and cash drawer

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 10:08 pm
by rickpos

Try this...

Go to DOS

create a batch file (ie. LPT2SER.BAT) using EDIT with the following commands (only include those between the seperator lines):

x = Comport being used by printer with cash drawer attached to it

Note: Change baud, parity, data and stop if necessary, as N,8,1 is the default.
@echo off
mode COMx: 9600,n,8,1
mode LPT2:=COMx

Run POSCONFG, goto to "Printer Setup" and select LPT2. Return to the main menu and select "Open Cash Drawer". Press the "TAB" key to change port to "Printer", and then "Enter". You will then be prompted to enter the cash register's escape codes to send the "open" command. You didn't post the model of the drawer, so I don't know which codes would be valid for your configuration. Once entered, press F4 to test the register.

Let me know if it works for you.

Good luck!


Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 7:38 pm
by Guest
Thanks Rick, I know I am late with my reply, but there is a good reason, I have been trying to follow your instructions but alas, I am not advanced enough to do so. I shall keep trying. One of my biggest problems is I am not able to identify what brand of cash drawer I have, so finding a code is somewhat impossible as of present.

Thanks for your reply, it is appreciated. I will continue to search for a code and eventually will find one.


Re: DH POS and cash drawer

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 12:55 pm
by rickpos

Next you log in, click on "Memberlist" and send me a private message with your email address, as I am unable to attach files to a post. I have an idea that might work.

Take care,


Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 11:23 pm
by Jonathan Simpson
Would attaching files to a post be a useful forum feature? I think I can add this in, but I have some concerns about both security and space, as the home-nets server only has 50MB for our usage.

Feature for attaching files...

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 6:54 am
by rickpos

IMHO, the security and space concerns far outweigh the need for such a feature. I'll just wait for the user to send me a message with their email address.

Thanks for the offer!
