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Post by [chris] » Thu Sep 01, 2005 1:47 pm

This may be a stupid question, but forgive me because I'm not a computer expert and I'm a new user with DHPOS. But I was curious if anyone knows of any capabilities of running DHPOS on a PDA? I don't even know if DOS programs can run on a PDA but I know people/businesses that use PDAs to scan and keep track of inventory. What I really want to do is run the receiving program on the PDA in the back work room and read the receiving file into the POS program on the computer to update the inventory. This would allow great mobility and would require only one computer. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks. Chris.

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Post by grantm » Thu Sep 01, 2005 8:49 pm

It is possible, but tricky and slow. There have been posts in the past (try the search function). Some people have gotten it to work with Palm DOS emulators, but it runs slow (if it even runs) and is small.

What would be nice, though, would be to make DHPOS somehow work with a PDT device. At the place that I work at, we do all of our ordering through the device, then hook it up to our store computer to be sent to the main company. I've never used the device, but it does a good job.

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Post by ericwmk » Fri Sep 02, 2005 4:55 am

You can try running a terminal services on the PDA, to access the POS applications. You don't need to load any POS software on the PDA.
Also. the database is at the server, even if the connections fails, the data is still there.

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Post by bob5731 » Fri Sep 02, 2005 5:34 pm

use pocketdos for pocket pc
at http://www.pocketdos.com

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Post by lsunw » Fri Sep 02, 2005 11:08 pm

Anyone try using pocket PC to run DHPOS can post some pic? Just curious how it look like in pocket PC

Thank you

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