down payment

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down payment

Post by jake69 » Sat Oct 28, 2006 7:57 am

Dear Dale,

In our shop (furniture) it is quite often the case that we get orders from customers, that we need to place at external supliers. For orders we ask our customers for a downpayment. When the goods arrive the customer then pays the rest. At the moment we handle it by having a stocknumber for downpayments, and when the customer pays the rest, we use the function coupon/unit reduction. This works, but its not a realy clean solution, since it messes up the reports and statistics quite a bit. Is there a better solution, or have you thought about a feature that can handle this?

About the coupon/unit reduction: Would be good if I could change the name. At the moment if I choose this reduction it immidiatly takes it as UNIT/COUPON REDUCTION into the receipt. There are some problems with that: 1. see above, but thats only our problem... 2. the language: no way to tell in German that this is a unit reduction. 3. There might be different reduction: could be a special, or a set price, or a gift coupon, etc., but no differnciation on the receipt....

Thanks for providing a great software and for constantly working on new ideas. I hope I was able to deliver some input.

Best regards,


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Post by Andrew » Sat Oct 28, 2006 2:00 pm

Customer accounts would solve this - they are on the wishlist but are not currently being worked on to my knowledge.

The only language terms that can be altered are done from the "Receipt Language" option in POSCONFG. I'm not sure if coupon is, but I have a feeling it is editable; I can't verify this at the moment as I'm on my Mac without a copy of DHPOS.
DHPOS Veteran (from v3.46, July 2002)

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Post by jake69 » Mon Oct 30, 2006 8:37 am

Dear Andrew,

No, the coupon/unit reduction is not editable in the "Receipt Language" option in POSCONFG. Unfortunatly.



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