IDS 2.0 Released! (fmr. POS-Serve)

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IDS 2.0 Released! (fmr. POS-Serve)

Post by Guest » Mon Apr 10, 2006 7:51 am

Hey ya'll,
I have massivly re-coded pos-serve to be a lot more durable and
harder to crash with stupid-user-syndrome keystrokes. Anyhow, the logo
isn't as nice as before but the program as a whole is much better.
Also in this process (and trying not to get sued) I re-named the software
and pulled it out of the 1.* version numbers. It is now IDS (Integrated
Dh-pos Server) 2.0.

New features include:
- Manager communication system
- Lets managers communicate with each other without paper or
face-to-face. Also has employee evaluation and 'write-up' sections
- Labor Calculator
- Part of managing for profit is keeping sales high and labor low.
keep an eye on your labor with this utility, it also gives comments.
- Support for third-party dos-based time-clock, employee management,
and cash management software.

This peice of software is FREE, like dale's software. But you'll have to
email me and wait for me to compile a version for you with custom
passwords. But it should only take a couple-three days for me to get
it back to you.


Thanks yall,
James Dylan "Tech" Robinson

P.S. Would you really use IDS?

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