2/13/2008: New! QSale Information and News

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v2.3 Preview

Post by dhUser » Wed Feb 14, 2007 11:01 pm

I will be posting a preview with screenshots for QSale 2.3.

New Features Include:
- Item Lookup and Recording Database
- Full Gift Card Support - Recording and Selling Cards by Serial Number
- Total Sales Dialog
- Options Dialog Box
- Configuration Wizard
- And More!

Watch for Updates here and at my site (http://two.fsphost.com/dms)

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2.3 Released

Post by dhUser » Sun Feb 25, 2007 6:26 pm

QSale 2.3 Has Been Released
This new version features...
* Item Lookup
* Setup Wizard
* Administrator Control Panel
* Gift Card Recording
* Discount Codes

- The program also includes a keyboard interface, like DHPOS.
- A New Office 2007 Interface is Used

To Download and See Screenshots Visit:

Your comments are always welcome!

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Post by dhUser » Mon Feb 26, 2007 8:16 pm

Users of QSale 2.3.1:

Please verify that the wizard set your administrator username and password correctly. To check this:
- Navigate to C:\QSaleConfig
- Open adminpasswrd.qsc in Notepad (or any text editor) for the password
- Use adminusrname.qsc for the username.

OR Install the latest version at

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Post by dhUser » Sun Mar 04, 2007 7:14 pm

QSale 2.4 News Below:

A Self Checkout Program to run off of QSale is in the works...

Presenting QCheckout:
QCheckout will be a self-checkout POS. The item codes will come from the database already set-up. It will be an extra FREE application to extend the program. A Cashier control panel will be included to assist in processing sales.

For screenshots and updates, visit http://two.fsphost.com/dms/

For the latest news and updates, visit DMS Online and see the Blog.
QSale 2.4 will feature the following (as stated at the blog)...
* otal Sales Track Total Sales By Day
* Sale Recording The ability to record a sale and bring the total back up. New: Transaction Number
* Return, Exchange, Credit Support Enter an item into a return, select a sale by number
* Auto Lock feature- lock register after a # of seconds interval. Use the lock password to unlock it.

Possible New Features Not Guaranteed, But May Be Included

* Customer Listing/Recoding Limited support for customers
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Testing QSales - Feedback

Post by brucef2112 » Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:37 am

PUBLIC DISCLAIMER: Although the poster of this message may seem to be completely insane, he is not. All commentary is intended only as a personal opinion. It is only deranged ramblings which express an opinion and an emotion at the time of it's writing.
I've been watching this thread for a while and thought I'd finally check out the program and give some feedback.

QSale POS Ver:
Overall this program is very raw and needs hard look at POS Program logic and User interface. And the lack of the windows feel makes the effort of creating a Windows based POS, mute.

QSale Configuration Utility:
On the User login screen the user is forced to use the mouse or tab key to move to the [Sign On] button and "click". User should be able to just hit the [Enter] key after password.

A general problem exists in most of the configuration windows and tabs in the Settings. Each tab has instructions of "Settings are Changed Directly Upon Input". Forcing immediate changes to be saved is a bad idea. Also any time you need to give a user instructions on the window, some
thought should be given to the user interface to make it more intuitive.
In Window Apps, configuration changes should have the standard Ok, Cancel, Apply buttons. If I make changes on several tabs
and then decide I messed up, I would expect there to be the Cancel button that would dump any changes I made on all the tabs.

Three different names refer to the same window. On the QSale Control Panel there is a "QSale Settings" icon. however when the user opens it the window name is "General Settings". On the Tool bar at the top of the Control Panel there is a button that opens this same window, however it is named "QSales Options". This can confuse first time users or users in Floriduhh.
Pick a window title and stick with it.

On the "General Settings" window there is a tab for "Payment Options". It allows all payment methods to be unchecked. We want to get payed some how, Don't we? There needs to be at least one payment method. So the user should not be allowed to uncheck the sole checked box in the list
of payment options.

When first opened, the OK button has focus. Initial focus should be in the cashier user name box. Ok, Cancel, Apply buttons.

Name of gift card manager. "Gift Card Manager 2007". Do I need an upgrade to issue cards in 2008? Solution: "Gift Card Manager"

No logic related to the "Payment Options" setting. If Gift card isn't a selected payment option then the Gift Card Manager should be aware of this and not allow them to be configured. think through the program logic between relational entities.

Problem: From Create New Card Tab, the card dollar value has no logic or warning about non numeric values. Seems "abc" will store the card value of zero and offer no warning about it. If the user wants to create a $900 card and they enter in "9" and "fat finger" the O (Ohh) instead of the Zero and then hit the final Zero. (ie 9O0) there is no warning about this and the
card value is saved as $9 dollars.
Problem: From Create New Card Tab, the program allows user to create a new card with the same number as an existing one and just over writes the existing cards data and all with no warning!
Problem: From Modify Existing Card Tab, If you enter a card number and lower or delete the value of the card there is no warning about it. Bad Thing.

Problem: From Delete Card Tab, if you mis-key a card number (ie one That doesn't exist) and click delete the program blindly lets you think you deleted a card when infact the number never existed. No confirmation that a card with value on it is being deleted from the system.

Problem: If a card lookup isn't found there is no way to browse the list of existing cards to see if a typo or transposed number is the problem.

No method to browse inventory list.
On the Create New Item tab, initial focus should be in the enter item code box. On the Create New Item tab, an item code can be used twice and the current data over writes the old. No check, no warning. On the Create New Item tab, user enters an item number and price but no description. Only a sharp eye would catch the error message in the bottom msg tray. The bottom message tray is for additional information, not system errors. A basic user would not notice it and would assume the entry was added when in fact nothing is saved.

On the Modify Existing Item Tab, the user interface is hideous. Using multiple call to the MsgBox function to gather changes for an item?!?!?!? Even in the DOS world this is bad programming and annoying to the users.
This type of programming is best suited for modifications to the "Hello World" program and nothing else.

The MsgBox asking for the updated name and the second asking for the updated price both have Cancel buttons. However neither of them "Cancel". What they do is step on the previous value and saved with a blank value. And all without warning.

Entering a non-existing number provides poor feedback about it. The bottom message tray is for additional information, not system errors. A basic user would not notice it and would assume the entry was deleted when in fact nothing happened.

Icon and toolbar button name is "Discount Codes". Window is named "Discount Panel".Pick a title and keep it consistent. This window also has the same logic issues as outlined in the Inventory window.

QSale POS Program:

User Login Screen.
Problem:User is forced to use the mouse or tab key to move to the [Sign On] button and "click". User should be able to just hit the [Enter] key after password.

Main program Window:
The windows feel is completely lost by the unconventional location of the functions listed at the bottom of the main window instead of having a menu bar or better yet a tool bar at the top as you have it in the QSale

Administrator Control Panel. The user is forced to use the actual F keys to preform operations. A window user would expect to be able to "click" to perform the same operations. (If I can't use the mouse to select a function, lets not build a windows application.)

Add Item Screen:
*Rounding is forced at the penny. what about an item quantity of .00344 or a cost of $0.00226?
*After pulling up an item, user can manually change the price of the item.
*Gift card is available even if it is NOT an acceptable payment method in program setup.
*On the Add Item window, user can enter a item code then click to other field and manually fill them in. Including allowing

non-numeric values in quantity and price field. Clicking OK after this causes unhandled exception thingy to happen when trying to convert the "String" to a "Double".* *No data type checking for any of the textboxes.
*Even better. Enter in a valid stock number and the program does not fill in the description or price. User must fill in all fields manually even for items in the DB.
*Discount amounts can't be entered as a percentage.
*Administrative Override screen. After password entered, user should be able to just hit enter and not have to use the mouse to click Ok.
"Discount Amount" allows for negative or positive values to be entered. Not a good thing.

*To Void an item you ask for it by its price? What if there are a couple of $2.99 items.
*Ohhh, it seems that although the prompt is for the item price, the value entered is just subtracted from the total and no items are actually voided.
*No method to void the entire sales transaction without exiting out of the POS and restarting program. Nice feature.

*When opening the window the focus should be set to the first enabled payment option instead of the Cancel button.

*No data type checking for any of the textboxes...
*Program allows gift card to be used even when it is not set as a valid payment method.

Its missing 100's of the most basic requirements for a usable POS and I'm sure quite a few legal requirements for accounting.
Reports may be good feature. And storing data in a database type file would be great.

This should still be an ALPHA version.
Keep banging on the Keyboard...


PUBLIC DISCLAIMER: Although the poster of this message may seem to be completely insane, he is not. All commentary is intended only as a personal opinion. It is only deranged ramblings which express an opinion and an emotion at the time of it's writing.

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Post by dhUser » Wed Mar 07, 2007 8:31 am

Thanks for your suggestion, I will look into the problems and change where necessary.

- About Using Enter to Move From Field to Field, I will put the code in for moving from field to field, I recently lost my original source code, so I starting it over from scratch.
- I'll change the name of windows, per your suggestions
- In the delete item tab, I'll make feedback easier to see.
- Also, I will be putting in a new currency-like textbox
- With the item window, could you give steps to reproduce this?
- To Fill in Item Fields, Enter Product Code and Press Enter
- For the Void, Select an Item, then VOID

Thanks for your feedback,
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Post by dhUser » Sun Mar 11, 2007 6:53 pm

At the Request of brucef2112, and possibily other users, the POS Screen for QSale has been re-designed. This interface is designed to make processing sales faster and easier.

See the screenshot below:
http://one.fsphost.com/qsale/blog/archi ... try_7.html

For the latest updates, visit and/or subscribe to my blog (The Author's Blog) at http://one.fsphost.com/qsale/blog/

The RSS Feed is http://one.fsphost.com/qsale/blog/rss.xml

brucef2112 is thanked for his comments and suggestions...
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Post by brucef2112 » Mon Mar 12, 2007 5:53 pm

*MUCH* nicer!
Looks great....


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Post by dhUser » Mon Mar 12, 2007 6:12 pm

brucef2112 wrote:*MUCH* nicer!
Looks great....

Thanks, by the way, the Images in the toolbar have been replaced with keyboard shortcuts. The toolbar is still there, and working.

Your Suggestions are Thanked. PM me if you would prefer...

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2.4 Preview

Post by dhUser » Thu Mar 29, 2007 8:59 am

The new screen has a toolbar and a familar windows look. The Admin CPanel now has a a new style. I will include a first user tutorial and make first time configuration easier.

Add Item window has been replaced.
I now have a currency/number-only textbox

Version 2.4 will come in the next DAYS as I am on vacation.

QSale 2.4 is out. See the latest post entitled QSale 2.4 Released below.

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QSale 2.4 Released

Post by dhUser » Tue Apr 03, 2007 4:40 pm

QSale 2.4 Has Been Released
This new version features...
* Feature Enchancements
* New Control Panel
* Various Bug Fixes

Thanks to brucef2112 for his suggestions.

See Screenshots of the latest version at:

Download QSale 2.4 at: -->Read Upgrading Info (if applicable)<---
http://one.fsphost.com/qsale/qsale/down ... 4info.html

For the latest updates and more...
Visit and/or Subscribe to the Author's Blog. The author's Blog is located at

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QSale 2.5 Demo #1

Post by dhUser » Fri Apr 20, 2007 7:09 am

QSale 2.5 is the upcoming release to QSale. I have written a blog post highlighting the latest features.

To View the Blog Post: http://one.fsphost.com/qsale/blog/archi ... try_9.html

QSale 2.5 has been released. See below post for update.

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Post by dhUser » Tue Apr 24, 2007 5:48 pm

QSale 2.5 has been released

[From the blog post (http://one.fsphost.com/qsale/blog/archi ... ry_19.html)]

The long awaited QSale 2.5 has been released. This version highlights:

New Features

* Transaction Recording Transactions are now recorded and stored in the QSaleConfig folder.
* Update Package All further updates will include an update package for previous users. No un-installing required.

--... More at the blog post--

Blog Post- http://one.fsphost.com/qsale/blog/archi ... ry_19.html
Product Page/Download Link- http://one.fsphost.com/qsale/qsale/
Download Page- http://one.fsphost.com/qsale/qsale/downloadindex.html

Please be sure to use the right installer (new or update)

Any comments, suggestions, and/or questions, feel free to ask.

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QSale 2.5.1 Released

Post by dhUser » Mon Apr 30, 2007 8:18 pm

I have corrected QSale 2.5 and have uploaded it. The current version is 2.5.1. This version has all features included in v2.5, and the fixed bug.

QSale Product Page- http://one.fsphost.com/qsale/qsale/
QSale Download Page- http://one.fsphost.com/qsale/qsale/downloadindex.html

For the Latest Updates and More
Visit my blog (http://one.fsphost.com/qsale/blog/), and/or subscribe to the RSS Feed using your RSS Reader. The RSS Feed Address- http://one.fsphost.com/qsale/blog/rss.xml
Comments, Questions, etc... are always welcome!
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Post by bob5731 » Wed May 16, 2007 7:35 pm

Win will you have new vre out?
P.S. God Loves You And Have A Good Day!!!

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