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Post by Robert_Nel » Tue Aug 08, 2006 1:30 am

Hi Dale / Jon,
I hav been using DHpos 6.39 for a couple of years now. I use a win2000 , cbm253 citizen thermol printer. This printer only prints 36 colums. I hav tried and set aprint as: font no3, size 6. This prints out a nice size reciept on this printer without forcing the lines down by 4 charectors.
The problem is that when printing reciepts , reports ect, the printer will activate the cutter and cut off the reciept with 3 lines to go. It will then print these 3 lines and activate again cutting off the recipt paper about 1 inch long.
I will then hav a normal reciept and a 1 inch long reciept with the last three lines. I have tried all the printer setup settings ie margins, lines per page, to and bottom margins ect in DHpos.
Is there a way to sort this out?.
Robert Nel.
Robert R Nel

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