Bug Pos640

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Joined:Sun Jun 03, 2007 5:01 am
Bug Pos640

Post by RobertNel » Sun Jun 03, 2007 10:07 pm

Hi , sorry I had to reregister , my desktop pc has crashed and I am using my laptop through my cell phone.
1. Pos exits at times ( 5-6 times per day), when this happens the sale is not recorded in funtion 'voids' instead a sale from a prevouis month apears in 'voids'.
2. Tax at 14% figures are not in fact 14%. Tax at 14% is also different in Giftcards, therefore tax sales figures are not 'balancing' . (16.3% appears correct at 14%)
3. When I first setup Giftcards formats , the first 2-3 giftcards certificates printed out fine, now only a reciept and a second reciept is printed after a very long pause 10-30secs. Any printout from giftcards , the printout only starts after a long pause 10-30secs. To spead up printing I press esc.
4. This happens in both pos640 and 640x.
5. One barlady says the program exits when pressing + and or enter keys.
6. The cash physical count is more than indicated , possibly because the sale has not gone through. The stock appears correct . We do a stock count every second day.
I hope the above info is of use, Great programs. Using winxp 2nd edition.
email: oslos@mailmate.co.za
Robert Nel

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