"Reports" bug

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"Reports" bug

Post by daleadmin » Mon Aug 25, 2008 11:56 pm

There were 3 bugs in the reports feature.

A problem using automatic reports to make report "B. Employee's sales" It would not do it.

A problem sometimes manually doing "B. Employee's sales" if you did another report first. It would not make a report.

A problem in "B. Employee's sales" (are you spotting a trend here?) where the unit tax or tax from the right column from the shop sales would be listed for each employee.

These problems have been fixed but it is way to late at night for me to put up a new version with a new version number. However the version up now has the fix.

So if you are using version 6.40K to 6.40M and downloaded the program before 11:00 p.m. on 8-25-08 (Chicago time) then you can fix the problem by downloading this file http://www.dhpos.com/fileinfo.exe to the folder that holds the POS program on your computer. Making a backup of your current FILEINFO.EXE file would be a swell idea.

If you are using version 6.40J or earlier and the report "B. Employee's sales" is giving you fits you will have to do a complete download from the usual place http://keyhut.com/pos3.htm

And now, to bed.


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