Sales Tax Reporting

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NMS Boosters
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Joined:Tue Jan 22, 2008 11:35 pm
Sales Tax Reporting

Post by NMS Boosters » Tue Dec 30, 2008 4:16 pm

Just a question, I might have missed it, but was wondering if there is a way to get the total sales that the tax is calculated on. I see in the daily reports the amount of tax collected, and this is also printed in the total sales report that I print each month. The problem just came up when I went to Pay the sales tax to my state revenue department. Not everything that we sell is taxable, and not all of our catagories are strictly taxable/non taxable, (believe it or not some candy is taxable and some is not). When I go to the state they want to know 1. Gross Sales, 2. Taxable sales for "Tax A" and 3. Taxable sales for "Tax B". Due to our wonderfull government there are several different "Tax Zones" each zone has different taxes, or combination of sales taxes. Thankfully we only have two seperate taxes that we have to collect, some zones it is up to 6. But I was wondering if there was a way for the POS software to report what the total amount of sales that the tax was collected on(ie Gross Taxable Sales)


Re: Sales Tax Reporting

Post by ToPS » Tue Dec 30, 2008 5:19 pm

Maybe this will help:-

I calculate the amount that is needed.
The program reports that Tax 1 = 123.25 and the rate for Tax 1 is 7%.

(123.25/7)*100 = 1760.71

To test the answer:- 1 760.71*7% = 123.25

The matter can however be infinately complicated by different types of taxes and double taxes.

Hope it helps.



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