My life sucks AKA a bug fix

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My life sucks AKA a bug fix

Post by daleadmin » Wed Nov 11, 2009 6:34 pm

It seems that ever since I added the feature where you could have some items in the stock table with a 3 digit price (like 2.379 for gasoline) there has been a problem.

when you are in the stock table and entering a regular price or a sale price you could press [F1] to toggle between 2 or 3 digit pricing. However [F1] is also the key to search the stock table which no longer did that. So I have some up with a new STOCKS.EXE file to fix that. In the new file you must press [F7] to toggle between 2 or 3 digit pricing.

If you are using the current DHPOS version 7.03 you can just download this file to the folder on your hard drive where you keep the rest of your DHPOS program files. This file does not need to be extracted or unzipped. If you are using this over a network remember to install on each computer.

If you have a previous version you can live with it or upgrade to the current version with a full download at


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