When POS goes bad...

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When POS goes bad...

Post by Andrew » Tue Nov 30, 2004 5:26 am

The following has been quoted from http://tvnz.co.nz/view/news_national_st ... ormat=html
Monday shoppers may be owed
Nov 30, 2004

New Zealand's second-largest supermarket retailer is preparing to reimburse tens of thousands of dollars to customers it admits it overcharged.

A computer glitch on Monday at all Foodtown and Countdown stores nationwide means people paid full price for items that should have been on sale.

Progressive Enterprises admits a corrupted computer file meant shoppers at all 87 of its Foodtown and Countdown stores missed out on catalogue savings.

"We instructed our team to take the promo tickets down from the shelves, then we went to straight to our catalogues and manually keyed those prices into our systems," says Mark Brosnan of Progressive Enterprises.

While the company insists it acted quickly, it was midday before all its problems were ironed out. It says people who were caught out can bring their receipt in and they will get a refund for the overcharged amount.

It just goes to show you can never be too careful with POS, I feel sorry for the stores who now have to put up with customers bringing in their receipts to get refunds. Maybe they should have used DHPOS ;)

I used to work as a cashier in a store owned by Foodstuffs New Zealand (the arch rival of Progressive Enterprises) which is the largest supermarket retailer in NZ, and I bet they're rubbing their hands with glee at this monumental muck up :P
DHPOS Veteran (from v3.46, July 2002)

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