Gavin from South Africa

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Gavin from South Africa

Post by Dale Harris » Wed May 18, 2005 6:43 pm

Early this morning I received a very nice email from Gavin in South Africa that unfortunately was dropped into my spam mail box. While trying to move it to my inbox I very cleverly deleted it instead. You may think that “monumentally stupid” may be a better term for what happened but at the present time I am going to stick with “clever.”

Anyway, since I no longer have his email I have no way of replying to it so I am going to post here in hopes that he may stumble upon it and get my answer.

Gavin mentioned in his email that he was stopped by a sidewalk cigarette vendor and was asked by the vendor if he could obtain the “Dale Harris POS Software” for use by the vendor. Gavin looked it up on a search engine and dropped by the site. He apparently thinks that this page has some funny bits on it and he also offered to make a MS Word or .PDF file of the POS user’s guide.

My reply….

Thanks for the very nice email. Lately I have received several positive emails from South Africa including a new person to volunteer to be a “helper” in that country. What the heck is going on over there? While I expected the POS program to slowly spread through retailers world wide it seems to really have taken off in SA. Now even street vendors are clamoring for a copy? Way cool.

Thanks for the offer of porting the user’s guide but there is already a MS Word version of the guide that can be downloaded here I do not offer a .PDF version because .PDF files are huge and I can only imagine what the files size of a .PDF user’s guide would be. I have a limit on storage space on my website and I believe that a .PDF user’s guide would put it over.

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