Customer Accounts Ver. 7.04x

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Re: Test version 7.04x

Post by ToPS » Wed Aug 05, 2009 5:25 pm

At this stage we are using printed and laminated barcode labels which are held by supervisors/managers only as passwords for certain features of the program(discounts, voids etc.)
The value of the barcode is not printed on the label so it cannot be rememberd or copied.
Nobody ever forgets their passwords and all we do is print new labels when it is time to change the passwords.
Nobody can look over your shoulder to see what the password is and we keep a master copy of the labels in a safe on a different premises.

I have the idea to use a similar system as a type of "credit card" for the customer accounts feature.
If possible I would like to set the system up in such a way that the card MUST be produced to be scanned in order to use the customer account feature.
Maybe it will be possible to hide customer account number so that it can not be typed in.

I will wait to see what wizard Dale produce for us and how i can use it.

For security purposes I would really like to have good control over account purchases.

A concern(Allthough I have already thought of a way past this that might work) - The nature of our bussiness is such that we have lots and lots of low value sales - 60 unpaid invoices per customer will in a number of instances not be adequate.



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Re: Test version 7.04x

Post by daleadmin » Wed Aug 05, 2009 8:07 pm


You will be able to use a "customer number" to call up the customer so that you will be able to make plastic cards with random barcodes. You can then pick up one of the cards for a new customer and whatever number is on the card that becomes that customer's number. Then you can use the card to call up the customer to charge to his account. Two huge drawbacks however. When you call up the customer the customer number will be displayed on the screen. And you will still be able to use any other field (name, address, phone, etc.) to find the customer just like you can now.

A payment will pick up the first 60 invoices. When those are paid you can do another payment to pick up the next 60. Continue until the account is paid off. Although I guess this means that you will have to void out the same invoices you do not want to pay for each payment and you will not be able to void out more than 60 at a time.



Re: Test version 7.04x

Post by ToPS » Fri Aug 07, 2009 11:41 pm


Thank you for the information.
It sounds very good.
What you produce we will optimally use for our needs.



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Re: Test version 7.04x

Post by daleadmin » Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:29 pm

I've been thinking...

Several folks have asked about having the POS program do layaways. It seems to me the best way to do that would be to add it to the "customer accounts" feature.

The problem is that for a customer account invoice you pay it all at once but layaways you pay a little at a time. How do I keep track of the payments without adding to the complexity of the database?

A customer account invoice will be just the same as a sale. 60 lines describing what you bought. So the plan is that for layaways the first line will be what you bought and each additional line will be a payment until the thing is paid off. This would mean a maximum of 59 payments.

I have never had a layaway in my keyshop (A layaway for a $2.00 key is not going to happen) so I have some questions.

1. Do folks put more than one thing (meaning different things, not several of the same thing) into layaway? If so, what would be a reasonable maximum of different things?

2. If multiple things are in a layaway is it normal to pay off some things and get them and pay off the rest later to get them later. Or do they have to pay off the whole layaway to get anything?

3. Or if you buy 5 things at one time do you put them into 5 different layaways?


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Re: Test version 7.04x

Post by ITtech09 » Sun Aug 16, 2009 11:02 pm

Hey Dale,

1. Yes people can put more than one item into layway which your larger chains there usually is not a maxium per say they just make you pay a certain percent of the total price put into layaway.
2. Depends on the store chain some times yes you can pay and take out some items. Some times you can't and you have to pay for the entire order before you get anything out at all.
3. No if you buy 5 items they can all go onto one layway they usually put it under your telephone number.

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Re: Test version 7.04x

Post by peewee3ie » Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:00 pm


How is customer accounts comming on.
Tony McGuire
Ireland Support


Re: Test version 7.04x

Post by ToPS » Tue Aug 25, 2009 4:47 pm


it would have been great if customer accounts invoices could all allways have been paid all at once.
The reality is however that things go wrong and customers can sometimes not pay the full account or even a full invoice.
Or they buy a product or items that they pay off over a period.

The account systems that I have seen allows for any amount to be paid even if it is not equel to an invoice or an item on an invoice.

I will still wait to see what wonders you come up with in your accounts system which I'm sure we will be able to use productively.



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Re: Test version 7.04x

Post by daleadmin » Tue Aug 25, 2009 5:37 pm

Baby steps.

As you probably know when you are in a purchase you can press up to 3 hot key combinations to either sell gift cards, set timers, or sell tickets. Making a customer account payment would require a 4th hot key. This was getting out of hand so I have made a change that I am positive you are all going to bitch about.

In the lower right corner of the purchase screen were the hot keys used to be listed like this…

[CTRL]+[TAB] = Timers
[CTRL]+[END] = Tickets
[F10] + Sell gift card.

It will now say “[F10] = SPECIAL SERVICES”

When you press [F10] you will get the following menu…

1. Sell gift card
2. Time sales
3. Ticket sales
4. Account payment

And you will have to pick what you want to do from the menu. Of course only those special services you have set the program to use will be listed. Pressing [ESC] will clear the menu.

This means that you will have to press up to 3 keys to go to a special function. For example [F10], [2], [ENTER] to go to timers or just two keys [F10], [ENTER] to sell a gift card.

I know, YOU ARE ALL GOING TO DIE because you have to hit an additional key or two.

Too bad, I liked having you around, but this is the way it is going to be.

However just to give you the illusion that I listen to you I am not locked into the label “SPECIAL SERVICES.” If you have a suggestion for a better label for this I may use it. Post here.

So now let the crabbing begin.


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Re: Test version 7.04x

Post by peewee3ie » Tue Aug 25, 2009 6:42 pm

Hi Dale,

you could call it

1. Other Services (I quite like this one) :)

2. Other Options

3. All The Rest ;)
Tony McGuire
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Re: Test version 7.04x

Post by Andrew » Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:26 am

I remember the good ol' "B/O menu" aka "Back-office menu" which had these sorts of functions when I was a cashier many years ago.
DHPOS Veteran (from v3.46, July 2002)

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Re: Test version 7.04x

Post by peewee3ie » Wed Aug 26, 2009 4:38 am


I like that. I think that would go better.

I hope it does not get to a point that Dale has to put the name for this option into a hat and pick one :idea: :lol: :lol:
Tony McGuire
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Re: Test version 7.04x

Post by ITtech09 » Sat Aug 29, 2009 9:17 pm

I don't see any problem with the extra key press, as being someone who uses a DOS POS in a pizza bussiness that I work for. After working with it for a month you learn the key press's and it just become's a natural thing and you almost stop thinking about what keys you are pressing so I dont think any one is going to die from having to do that lol... but for a name for the new menu why not just go with something simple like "Functions", its simple, it can incorporate alot of different things, so as you expand DHPOS and you find you have to add more features it can go into the Funtions Menu and it does not take up the much screen space... Just a thought

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Re: Test version 7.04x

Post by daleadmin » Sat Aug 29, 2009 11:40 pm


I like the name you came up with however when it comes to pressing an extra key you have no idea what you are talking about.

For almost all the time I have been working on this program I have received angry missives from the populace over the fact that they will have to press more keys than absolutely neccessary for their particular implimentation of the software. The most common irrational demand is that since they only use one menu option that the program should always skip that menu and just automatically go to what they want. When I try to explain that other users really need those other options their reply is, "Tough beans, didn't you write this program just for me?" "Well, no", I reply. This probably explains why it has been raining locusts in my back yard for the last 3 years.

One user even asked me why the program could not just do what he wanted without touching any keys. I asked, "You want to be able to run this program by telekinesis?" His reply, "Well maybe if that means that I don't have to touch anything." You think you share a language with someone and then it turns out you do not.

But anyway, I am startled by the lack of kvetching here about the upcoming need to press an additional key. My thought is that the people who inhabit this forum are marginally more forgiving than the average DHPOS user and the real crabbing will commence once this feature is actually released on unsuspecting users.


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Re: Test version 7.04x

Post by Jam » Sun Aug 30, 2009 9:30 am

Hi Dale,

Great work so far - DHPOS just keeps getting better!

Just a suggestion for the Customer Accounts feature...would it be possible to include a description field for each individual invoice so that this could show on the bill? This way the customer would better know what the individual invoices are/were. I was hoping to use the accounts feature in a hotel environment. Each guest will have an 'account'. Anything they buy from the bar/restuarant/internet time etc. will be rung up as a separate invoice and charged to their account. When they check-out, a bill will be printed for them to pay. If a short one/two word description was on the bill then the guest would know where/what they have bought without having to look through all separate invoices.

Another way this could be done would be to use employees as hotel locations/sale categories. A field could be added to the bill showing each 'employee' for each separate invoice.

Hope you understand?

Thanks, Jam

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Re: Test version 7.04x

Post by ITtech09 » Sun Aug 30, 2009 10:33 pm

I see your point for the angry people, but what people need to understand is that when writting a program like this your are trying to cover a wide area of "needs" and that you cannot nor any program wiriter for that fact write a program taylored to the needs to any "ONE" person with that being said people also need to keep in mind that this software is FREE and they are welcome to use DHPOS at there free will but not welcome to bash the writer(s) of this software since you are not being paid to write a program which for being free covers so many functions and features that major program companys charge hundred or even thousands of dollars for and here you are taking your time and energy to write the code and create this program for free. So oh well to what they have to say, you do what you have to do and thats all. Pj

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