currency problem

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currency problem

Post by ayamkampung » Tue Sep 07, 2010 4:59 am

Hi harris,

I'd like to thank you for making this program. I'm from Indonesia, I'd like to use this program to run my small store so it can get a bit automated. the problem I met so far is the first time I'd like to use it, I get confused with digit available, we use Rupiah (Rp) here, and we have many digits in our money, for example in US you use $, US$1 is Rp.9000 in here, imagine people buy a can of canned fish for Rp.20,000 and I started confused how to make this program able to handle it, I read the manual, nothing about this written there, I tried to contact helper that listed on your site who live in Indonesia, no mail reply. :roll:

thank you for helping me. :)

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Re: currency problem

Post by daleadmin » Tue Sep 07, 2010 5:36 am

If you go to the "Rounding" feature of the POSCONFG.EXE program and change the "rounding" factor to "1" all decimals will be dropped from money amounts and the maximum money amounts will be increased by a factor of 100. For example the limits on the price of any item will change from .01 - 9999.99 to 0 - 999999.
If you set a rounding factor from "10" to "10000" then currency values throughout the program will be rounded to "1", however only on receipts and the sales screen will extra zeros will follow all currency amounts to make the values appear to be larger. For example if you set rounding to 1000 and have a price for something of 257 then everywhere in the program except the receipts and sales screen the price will be listed as 257, on the receipts and sales screen the price will be listed as 257000.

So how does that help? In most parts of the program there is no place to display and endless number of zeros. So if the value of the currency in your country is so small that a loaf of bread costs 2570000 then the program just cannot handle numbers that large. In that case what you have to do is to just drop the 4 zeros (and use a rounding factor of "10000") and list the price in the stock table as 257. In fact all the currency values in the program will have to be divided by 10000. You (and your local government buddies) will just have to understand that, and understand that currency values in the program are actually 1/10000 of the actual value, and to obtain the actual value the printed value must be multiplied by 10000. For example if the program tells you that the tax collected at the end of the day is 6539 then the actual tax collected was 65390000.

Well this is easy for you to understand and you should have to explain it to your tax buddies only once, but you sure do not want to have to explain it to every customer you have. So only on the sales screen and the receipts (what the customers can see) will the extra zeros follow every currency value.

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Re: currency problem

Post by ayamkampung » Tue Sep 07, 2010 8:48 am

great, I understand.

but how if I sell a good for example cigarettes, cost Rp.9850 , what number should I input into the program? if I set rounding to 10 ?

since I think Rp.10,000,000 is real big enough for my little store.

9.85 perhaps? :D

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Re: currency problem

Post by daleadmin » Tue Sep 07, 2010 8:59 am


If you set "rounding" to 10 then there are no decimal places so you would enter the price for your 9850 item into the stock table as 985.


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