POS version 7.05a released 5-3-11.

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Re: POS version 7.05a released 5-3-11.

Post by daleadmin » Tue May 03, 2011 9:01 pm

I have fixed all of the recent problems and released version 7.05a. It is a full download and is in the usual place. http://keyhut.com/pos.htm

This would be a lot easier if I deleted several hundred features from DHPOS. 8)


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Re: POS version 7.05a released 5-3-11.

Post by small » Tue May 03, 2011 11:38 pm


When I press 5 (void) at the main menu and i go to a sales transaction there is no TAB(print) for the sales transaction. There is for the open and close receipts transactions but not for the accual sales transactions.

I found out the problem was not set to reprint.

But when i press the previous trans button the program dies and i restart it and try the same thing and it dies again.

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Re: POS version 7.05a released 5-3-11.

Post by daleadmin » Wed May 04, 2011 12:18 am


More details needed.

I assume that this is version 7.05a that you are having this problem with?

Is "Reprint transactions" currently "ON"?

What port are you printing to?

Do you press [TAB] to print then press [F5] to go to the previous transaction or do you just press [F5] without printing?

Is the transaction you are on before the error happens a sale transaction (sale, return, payout, voided, etc) or a data transaction (open, close, no sale)?

Is the transaction you want to go to by pressing [F5] a sale transaction or a data transaction?

Does the same thing happen when you press [F6] to go to the next transaction?

When the program dies do you get an error message? What is it? Is it a Windows error or a DHPOS error?

What version of Windows are you using?

I am trying to create your problem here with no luck.


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Re: POS version 7.05a released 5-3-11.

Post by small » Wed May 04, 2011 6:14 am


It does not do it when pressing F6, it only does it when pressing F5 (previous). If I go very slow at pushing the F5 button it won't do it. If you press it faster it will shut pos down. It don't have to be real fast, but try holding F5 down and it should do it for you. I am on windows xp. and this is version 7.05a.

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Re: POS version 7.05a released 5-3-11.

Post by daleadmin » Wed May 04, 2011 7:23 am


Nope, nothing.

Does this always happen at the same transaction? Could it be a corrupted transaction in your .REC file? Do you get an error message?

Can you email me a copy of your ?????.POS and ?????.REC file?

Please zip the files first. The .REC file is huge.


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Re: POS version 7.05a released 5-3-11.

Post by brucef2112 » Wed May 04, 2011 3:59 pm

Dale, I found this also in testing this morning however I didn't have time to research the details of exact steps to make it happen. However in the mean time I can give you the following info on what I found.

I did a fresh install of 705a. Configured to use 26K size stock table. Enable the Void feature with 10,000 records. Imported the 26000 stock table.
I created a sales transaction for each method of payment. each transaction had a single item from the stock table . I then created a return transaction for each payment method except for the check. (At this point I have 11 transactions.) I then did a No Sale transaction, a Cash IN and then a Cash OUT transaction. Then did another cash sale that I then voided. I think there was a couple of cash sales after.

At this point I did the following steps to make it crash. It is repeatable and consistent.
From the main menu go to 7. Close Register.
Hit [Esc] to return to the main menu.
Go to 5. Void.
Scroll back with the [F5} key to before the No Sale transaction. (speed of cycling back makes no difference)
Now scroll forward with [F6] one record at a time. The program crashes at the NO SALE transaction.

I left the error message on screen at home so I can't tell you what it said exactly but it referenced something like;
"Path/file not found somethingsomething in module something at memory somewheresomewhere."
When I get home in a couple of hours I will update with the exact error message but hopefully this may help for now.

There is definitely something going on in the Void, because before I even entered the first transaction I was working through different menus of the program. When I went into the Void and [F5} to go previous (screen of course saying 'reccord xxxxx not availble whatever' the program died. However I was not able to reproduce this exact problem again even after restarting the program. However the one described above with the NO Sale review is repeatable.

I'\ll post back in a couple of hours,

Edit ===================================
Error message at Void Screen:Path/File access error in line 7 of module POS3 at address 23C1:B461

Code: Select all

1. No sale                                                                     ░
Path/File access error in line 7 of module POS3     at address 23C1:B461
  [↑] [↓]  [PG UP]  [PG DN]  [HOME]  [END]                       [ESC] = Cancel
Hit any key to return to system
I just tried pos again and now it crashes as soon as I try to step back one transaction (from the OPEN REPORT) on the Void screen.


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Re: POS version 7.05a released 5-3-11.

Post by small » Wed May 04, 2011 5:24 pm

All I have to do is hit 5 at the main menu and then hit F5 for previous and after about 4 or 5 previous transactions it shuts down pos. Not much more that I can tell you about it. it shuts down before i can see if it is a sale transaction or a open or close transaction.

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Re: POS version 7.05a released 5-3-11.

Post by daleadmin » Wed May 04, 2011 7:25 pm

Small & Bruce,

I tried small's files and Bruce's method and still nothing, works fine.

Download this and try it again. This is version 7.05ax http://www.dhpos.com/pos.exe


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Re: POS version 7.05a released 5-3-11.

Post by brucef2112 » Wed May 04, 2011 7:51 pm

edited======= dale, we cross posted. this message is before your latest offering above. I'll try it and post again.

Hey Dale,
Through some trial and error I've seen what small gets with the straight dump out of the program right to the dos prompt.
Here is the exact steps I've used to get the program to die with its final words about "Path/File access error in line 7 of module POS3 at address 23C1:B461".

Fresh install of 705a
POS Configuration:

Code: Select all

; JOURNAL ; SAVE JRNL TO TEXT FILE ; Automate jrnl @ open/close ; copy to additional text file @ close. ; file name to save to.("daljrnl")
; Archive @ close erase/reset jrnl @ start of next day

; SET USER DEFINED CARD NAME. ("mysupercard") 
; FORMAT GIFT CARDS("{F1}{F6}{F7}") 2, 2
; SCANNER ; all scanned
; TAX RATES 1 set to 6%
Import the 26000 stock table.

Add the following transactions:

trans:1 Sale: item #100 pay with cash
trans:2 Sale: item #200 pay with credit
trans:3 Return: item #300 pay with cash
trans:4 NO SALE
trans:5 Put cash in drawer $10
trans:6 VOID trans 3 (returned item)

from the main menu go to 5. Void screen.
Press the [F5] key five times to the first transaction.
Press the [F6} key until you get to the Last Transaction.
You won't get there because POS crashes at the No Sale transaction on screen with the above error message and suggests you find the Any key.

It gets worse if you restart POS and go back to the Void screen and try to navigate the sales. It will now crash on even just going back one transaction (the opening report).

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Re: POS version 7.05a released 5-3-11.

Post by brucef2112 » Wed May 04, 2011 8:08 pm

Dale, I tried with your latest offerings above but still no joy.

Same steps as outlined above but with the POS.EXE from your link.
Same thing happens????????
here is my config file

Don't think the stock table is the issue but just for consistancy here is the 26000 stock table I import into a fresh install.

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Re: POS version 7.05a released 5-3-11.

Post by brucef2112 » Thu May 05, 2011 10:45 pm

Dale, I did a fresh install of 705a and included the pos705a7x.exe
I set the stock table to 13K and only added 3 items. I set the Void record from 10K to 1K.
Without any transactions except for the open report, I went into the void screen and it crashed as previously described. :(

I went back and set the Void Records to 100 with same results.
I went back and set the Void Records to 10 with the same results.

I don't know if this means anything or not but I systematically lowered the Void Record count and went back to the POS to test. Each time I would get back to transaction #0 and the next previous would show "Transaction #9999 is no longer in the file and cannot be shown." and it would continue in count down fashion for each press of the f5 key. BUT, why if I systematically set it from 10,000 to 1,000 to 100 to 10, isn't the Transaction max of 9999 not being reduced relative to the number set in the POSCONFIG when viewed on the Void Screen??
If I reset the Void Record from 10,000 to 10, I'd expect the record previous to #0 to say Transaction# 9 is no longer in the file and cannot be shown." or if I had more than 10 transactions that it would be the 10th previous and it would 'fall off' on the next transaction given that this is the rollover point. but what is happening is it is showing the transaction # 9999. It seems something isn't being refreshed.

Could this have something to do with this crazy Void Screen crashing?.?

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Re: POS version 7.05a released 5-3-11.

Post by daleadmin » Sat May 07, 2011 11:18 pm


Remember when reading the following that you asked, so it's not my fault.

No matter how many transactions you store in the .REC file the transactions are still numbered from 0000 to 9999. So if you store only 10 transactions the one before 0000 will still be 9999.

Let's assume that you are only storing 10 transaction and the last transaction rung up was 4695. The actual transactions in the file will be


and they will be in that order. When you enter the "5. Voids" function you will display the last transaction rung up, 4695. You can now press [F5] to page back through the transactions to 4686. Press [F5] again and you should see transaction 4685 but that transaction is not in file anymore and you will be told that. Press [F5] 9989 more times and you will be told that those transactions are not in the file either. If you ring up another sale 4696 it will go into the slot currently occupied by 4686. You can see where this is going.

When the program needs to find a transaction in the file it first calculates the transaction number, either the last transaction when you enter the function, one less if you press [F5], one more if you press [F6], or you can type in a number. Then depending on the number of transactions stored it will use the right digits of the transaction number to find the slot. For example if you have 10,000 stored it will use all the digits and look at slots 0000 to 9999, if you store 100 it will look at slots 00 to 99. So with 100 stored, if it needs to find transaction 2675 it will look in slot 75. (This is a random access file so you can look in just the slot you want without looking in any of the others.) The transaction in slot 75 has the full transaction number stored in it. If you look for 2675 in slot 75 and 2675 is there then it will be displayed. However if transaction 4275 is there you will be told that 2675 is "no longer in the file."

Aren't you glad that all you have to do is mash buttons and not have to worry about how DHPOS does what it does? Sometimes I wish that were also true for me.

Now, do you want to ask me how another function works? You got questions, I've got long, complicated, technical explainations. Ask me again and I might give you the source code for that function and you can figure it out, then you'll be sorry.

Ask your questions, take your chances. :P


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Re: POS version 7.05a released 5-3-11.

Post by brucef2112 » Mon May 09, 2011 9:49 am


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Re: POS version 7.05a released 5-3-11.

Post by andy1m » Sat May 21, 2011 2:44 am

Have been trying V7.05a for few days now. I installed one on my office pc running Linux Mint using DOSEmu another one on my netbook running XP.

I'm in Indonesia as our currency is very small, I use rounding 1.000. There are some problems if I use Vendor's stock number or if I use customers record, the amount of money spent is wrong.

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Re: POS version 7.05a released 5-3-11.

Post by daleadmin » Sat May 21, 2011 7:58 am

Do you have any details?


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