Stock table

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Stock table

Post by possybossy » Thu Apr 10, 2008 11:03 pm

Hi there, I have just downloaded the software and am just setting up the stock table. The instructions say to press F4 to set up a stock table. However, nothing happens when I press F4. Is there something I am missing? I have a couple of categories set up and I have a vendor set up.

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Re: Stock table

Post by daleadmin » Thu Apr 10, 2008 11:20 pm


Did you set the "Maximum number of different items" to something other than 0 ?

Go to that parameter and press [TAB] to change it.


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Re: Stock table

Post by possybossy » Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:42 am

Oh yeah, that would do it. Its working now: Just wondering if there's any way to enter alphanumeric product codes into the table or if its only numerals?

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Re: Stock table

Post by Andrew » Fri Apr 11, 2008 1:10 am

possybossy wrote:Oh yeah, that would do it. Its working now: Just wondering if there's any way to enter alphanumeric product codes into the table or if its only numerals?
Note that when entering items into a sale, if you want to lookup a product by the vendor stock number - you need to press the asterisk key "*' first.
You may also use a "Vendor stock number" which is the number that you use to order merchandise from your vendor to ring up items. Vendor stock numbers to not have to be all numbers and may be up to 30 characters long, they are usually printed somewhere on the box. However they will not replace regular stock numbers. If you use vendor stock numbers to ring up items then each item MUST also have a regular stock number. Only regular stock numbers will be used by other parts of the program to refer to each item. Think of vendor stock numbers as only an alternate method to look up a regular stock number.

Since vendor stock numbers can be anything up to 30 characters you can also make up your own, such as a description like "COLA, LARGE", or "SOCKS, RED, SIZE 10." Vendor stock numbers are looked up during a sale using an "INKEY" search meaning the all you have to do is type in part of the vendor stock number and it will find every vendor stock number that contains that part. For example type in only "RED" and it will find the first item that has a vendor stock number that contains "RED", to find the next one press [2], continue until you find the one you want. However if you use made up vendor numbers to ring sales then you will not be able to use them to reorder merchandise from your vendor. (See "Vendor list") to allow this function.)
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Re: Stock table

Post by pie » Fri Apr 18, 2008 10:33 am

Ive just downloaded the pos and when i press F4 it takes me to the POS CONVERTER? :?

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Re: Stock table

Post by daleadmin » Fri Apr 18, 2008 6:48 pm

A few screens into the CONVERT program this message will pop up, "If you are not upgrading to a new version and this program automatically started it probably means that the stock table has been corrupted, Load a back up of the stock table or select to ERASE THE STOCK TABLE. This will delete the stock table and you will need to recreate it."

Below the messaage will be 3 options...

1. Continue with file conversion.
3. Quit, end the program.

Which option do you think you should choose? Take your time.


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