Close register.
This option will either print a closing sales report and clear the
register before exiting the program, or just exit the program.
If you choose to close the register it will print out a daily sales closing receipt and then erase the daily sales. Do this only if it is the end of the sales day. After erasing the daily sales it will ask you if you wish to erase the merchandise sales data, this is WHAT you have sold. DO NOT erase the merchandise sales data unless you have first used the "Reports" function to first print out the merchandise sales report. (See "Journal")
Some stores want to know what they sell on a daily basis, some weekly, and some monthly. If you want to know what you sell monthly but printout and clear the merchandise totals daily then you have a lot of adding to do at the end of the month. Only when you are on the last day of your accounting period should you clear the merchandise sales data. (But make sure that you print out the data first!) Make sure that the person who closes out your register knows when, and when not, to clear the merchandise sales data.
If you choose to exit the register without closing then nothing will be printed or erased. When you reopen the register later an opening receipt will be printed but otherwise it will be just as you left it. All your sales and everything else will be there as if you had never left the program.
This is a major feature! This means that your computer has to be a cash register only when you need to ring something up. If you are working in an office or school and only need to account for a sale 1 to 12 times a day, then when someone comes to you to pay a fee, pay a fine, or purchase a nic-nac, pause your word processing software (or whatever), load the register software, ring up the sale, exit the register software, and go back to word processing. If you are using Windows you can run your WP software and the register software in separate windows, just click over. At the end of the day run the register software a final time to print & close.
Sample closing receipt....
DALE'S KEY SHOP 1234 STATE STREET CHICAGO, IL 60600 (312) 555-1234 ------------------------------------ TRAN ASSOCIATE TIME 1234 0 21:02 ------------------------------------ CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE ------------------------------------ TX1 8.750% 70.31 0.000% 0.00 TX2 2.000% 3.08 0.000% 0.00 TOTAL 73.39 TOTAL 0.00 UNIT TAX 0.00 TOTAL TAX 73.39 ------------------------------------ CASH SALES: 700.20 49 CHECK SALES: 40.41 3 CREDIT SALES: 293.02 18 DEBIT SALES: 0.00 0 GIFT CARD SALES: 0.00 0 USER DEFINE SALE: 0.00 0 CASH RETURN: -52.29 4 CHECK RETURN: -13.47 1 CREDIT RETURN: -20.00 2 DEBIT RETURN: 0.00 0 GIFT CARD RETURN: 0.00 0 USER DEF. RETURN: 0.00 0 NET SALES: 947.87 TOTAL TAX: 73.39 GROSS SALES: 1021.26 TIPS: 0.00 CASH BACK: 0.00 SUB REG CASH: 649.91 CASH DROPS/PULLS: 0.00 0 + CASH FUND: 125.00 CASH IN REG: 772.91 CHECKS IN REG: 29.30 CREDIT IN REG: 273.02 DEBIT IN REG: 0.00 USER DEF IN REG: 0.00 TOTAL PAYOUTS: 0.00 0 TOTAL DISCOUNTS: -67.34 4 TOTAL REDUCTIONS: -72.85 11 TOTAL COUPONS: 0.00 0 TOTAL VOIDS: -22.58 1 TOTAL GIFT CARDS: 0.00 0 SALES TRANSACTIONS: 70 RETURN TRANSACTIONS: 7 PAYOUT TRANSACTIONS: 0 NO SALE TRANSACTIONS: 7 GIFT CARD TRANSACTIONS: 0 TOTAL TRANSACTIONS: 77 ------------------------------------ WE MAKE KEYS RIGHT 07-02-2001 |
Balancing your register.
To balance you register a closing report will have five important numbers. The "Cash in reg:", "Checks in reg.", "Credit in reg." Debit in reg." and "User define in reg."
The "Cash in reg." figure includes the opening cash fund that you enter when you start this program, plus the sum of cash pulls minus cash drops, plus tips, minus cash backs, plus cash sales minus cash returns, minus payouts. In other words the "Cash in reg." Should exactly equal the cash that is actually in your cash drawer.
If you add up all of the checks in the register, plus any that were put "in the safe" during the day, then the total should equal the "Checks in reg:" There are two important things about checks and refunds. You can give a check refund only if you return the customer's actual check to him or if you write out a store check (and then put the stub into the drawer to subtract from the check total), otherwise the checks that you add up at the end of the day will not equal "Checks in reg:"
If a customer paid with a check but you give him a cash refund then at the end of the return transaction you must choose "cash" as the method of payment.
Likewise the credit slips in your register should add up the "Credit in reg." Figure and the debit slips in your register should add up the "Debit in reg." And the "User define" should add up to the "User define in reg."
If you allow multiple forms of payment on one sale then each form of
payment used will count as one sale, for example, if a customer pays by
check and cash for one sale then that will increase the number of cash
sales by one and the number of check sales by one, however the total
sales will increase by only one because there was actually only one
sale. This means that at the end of the day you could have 45 cash
sales, 23 check sales, 22 credit sales, but only 76 total sales. This
also applies to returns.
Also if you allow multiple forms of payment on one sale the dollar amount credited to each form of payment will be proportional to the amount tendered. If you have a 10% tax rate and the customer pays $10 in cash and $50 in credit for a $55 sale then the net sale is $49.50 (less tax) and .166667% will be credited to a cash sale, or $8.25 and .833333% will be credited to a credit sale, or $41.25.
If from the register you select the "Reports" feature you will see
the following "Reports" menu...
(Can't find FILEINFO.EXE? See "Starting the cash register.")
SALES REPORTS A. Total Sales B. Employee Sales C. Hourly Readings D. Gift card MERCHANDISE REPORTS E. Total by Stock # F. Total by Category G. Total by Vendor H. Employee by Stock # I. Employee by Category J. Employee by Vendor K. History by Stock # L. History by Category M. History by Vendor N. Inventory by Stock # O. Inventory by Category P. Inventory by Vendor Q. Profit R. Inventory value |
When you select a "Report" it will be calculated and displayed on the
screen. While on the screen you may print it on your printer or save it
as a text file that can be loaded into any word processing program. You
may also save it as a data file that can be loaded into any spreadsheet
program. Saved files can be saved either to the current drive or you may
select a drive.
A "total" Sales report is exactly like the receipt that you get when you close out the register. An "Employee" sales report is the same thing except it is only one employee's sales.
When you use the "Reports" feature in the POS.EXE program to make a "Total sales" report you will have several options.
But first a few words about closing receipts.
When you close out the register and print a closing receipt the information on the closing receipt is also saved to a file. This allows a "Total sales" report to not only report the sales in the current register session but for any closing report that has been recorded in the file. By specifying "Start date" and "End date" you may also total up all of the sales figures from those days.
If you total figures from a range remember that if you specify a "Start date" from before you began using a version of the POS program that would record closing data then there is no data to read for those dates. For example if you enter a "start date" of 11-20-03 but did not install version 6.22 (or later) in your computer until 1-1-05 then no sales from before 1-1-05 will be added into your totals.
Also remember that the POS program saves closing data to the file depending on the date / time of when you closed the register. If your bar / restaurant opens at 9:00 am on 2-3-05 and then closes at 2:00 am the next morning then the sales for that day will be recorded under 2-4-05.
If for some reason the date / time in your computer's system clock is inaccurate this will also save closing figures to the wrong date. If you are adding sales within a range and one or more of the sales records in the file that should be within the range has an inaccurate date outside of the range then those figures will not be included in the totals for the range. You are responsible for making sure that the date / time of the closing of the register is accurate.
Since incorrect dating of the closing receipts is possible, or you may not have even closed the register properly on the correct day, you may not consider adding sales figures on a "Sales report" over a range of days to be a substitute for adding up the actual closing receipts for those days. While this program will accurately total up the closing receipts that have been saved to the file it has no way of knowing that you have accurately saved all of the closing receipt data to the file.
When you create a "Total sales" report you will be asked for a "Start date" and "End date." At the bottom of the screen will be displayed the date of the "First receipt in the sales record." It is pointless and misleading to specify a "Start date" earlier than the "First receipt" date.
From the "date" screen if you press [+] then a sales report will be created that contains only the sales held in the current session of the active cash register. If your register was closed out earlier in the same day those sales are not "current" and will not be included.
From the "date" screen if you press [TAB] then a "Total sales" report will be created that will total up all of the closing reports in the date range. If the current date is in the range then the sales from the current register session will be included.
From the "date" screen if you press [F1] then you will receive the same report as pressing [TAB] plus a sales report for each closing receipt in the range. This is a way to make sure none of the closing receipts are missing and a way to use up a huge amount of paper if you actually decide to print them out.
Even though the current tax rates are displayed on all sales reports, the monetary amounts are the actual tax amounts collected when the register was closed.
Tips are only reported if you are recording tips. (How else?) In addition tips are only reported on non-networked registers or from the GLOBAL folder of networked computers. Networked local registers will not report individual tips.
IMPORTANT: Tips apply to each slot in the "tips" file, Employee #1, Employee #2, Employee #3, etc. If you print each closing receipt then they will have the names of the employees at the time the register was closed. However the "total" receipt will have the names of the current employees. If over the range of dates two or more employees used the same slot, then the program will have no way of knowing this. The names printed in the tips section of the "total" report are the current holders of those slots. For example, if "AMY" was employee #4 from 1-1-05 to 1-15-05 and "ANNA" was employee #4 from 1-16-05 to 2-25-05 and you create a sales report from 1-1-05 to 1-31-05, then the tips for slot #4 will include the tips earned for Amy and Anna. However if the current holder of slot #4 is "BOB" then "BOB" will be printed on the "total" report for slot #4. To find the actual tips for Amy and Anna you would have to print out each of the closing receipts in the range. There should be a long time before you assign a new employee to a slot used by a previous employee.
For historical purposes these fields will be printed as they were saved for individual reports however for the total report the CASH IN REG will not include the cash fund and SUB REG CASH and CASH FUND will be set to zero. This is because the CASH FUND is not something earned on each day and does not reflect actual sales or taxes.
A sales report is the sales from that register only. If your register is on a network then only the sales from that register will be reported even if you specify a range of dates. To create a sales report for the entire network you must create the report from the GLOBAL folder.
An hourly report will print the total sales and total transactions for each hour of the specified day. Also for each hour it will calculate the sales per transaction.
When you have a sales, return, or void transaction the date/time and net sales for that transaction are recorded in a ??????.HR file. This is a permanent file and will grow without limit. This means that at any time you can make an hourly report for any day that is in the file no matter how far in the past. Since this file date/times each entry from the system clock it is again very important that your computer always has the correct date / time. If your clock is incorrect and a transaction is saved it will then be recorded in the day / time from the clock even though this may be hours, days, or years from where it is supposed to be.
In the sample print out you will notice that there are no figures for any hour that did not have sales. This means that there will be no lines for early in the morning or late at night when your store is not open. Also if there are no sales during an hour when the store is open there will be no line displayed.
Since returns and voids count as negative sales and negative transactions it is possible to have an hourly reading with negative sales and/or negative transactions. It may also be possible for the sales or transactions to cancel out so you could have sales but no transactions or transactions but no sales.
The time stamp at the left of a line indicates when the time period began. So the line for 09:00 records the sales from 09:00:00 to 09:59:59.
Actually you can set this feature to show time readings for several time intervals. An interval of 60, 30, 20, 15, 10, or 5 minutes may be selected.
TIME SALES TRANS SALES/TRANS 09:00 410.56 8 51.32 10:00 878.78 10 87.88 11:00 420.15 9 46.68 12:00 490.48 8 61.31 13:00 388.47 9 43.16 14:00 501.76 8 62.72 15:00 276.64 8 34.58 16:00 278.09 7 39.73 17:00 272.79 9 30.31 18:00 239.43 9 26.60 19:00 377.21 7 53.89 20:00 208.01 7 29.72 TOTAL 4742.38 99 47.90 Hourly Report |
Gift card report.
The program keeps a transaction file of each gift card. These files can be accessed through the "Gift card" reports. You select the gift card you want by entering the gift card ID and the report will display a list of every transaction made with that card.
GIFT CARD NUMBER 26512254844 BALANCE 79.31 TRANS TYP DATE TIME AMOUNT BALANCE 2563A + CASH 08-24-2006 12:21:02 +50.00 50.00 1547C SALE 08-31-2006 16:12:15 -5.36 44.46 2837A SALE 09-01-2006 08:42:03 -.82 43.64 8517B SALE 09-01-2006 12:02:34 -6.87 36.77 1785C SALE 09-01-2006 15:52:41 -18.85 17.92 3011A SALE 09-02-2006 08:21:17 -8.25 9.67 8678C + CASH 09-02-2006 10:52:12 +75.00 84.67 3112A RETURN 09-02-2006 12:04:43 5.36 79.31 |
While this report will not tell you what was purchased with each transaction you can use the transaction number to go to the register that rang up the transaction and look up the details of the transaction either in the file of past transactions or the journal. This is assuming that you enabled those features.
Merchandise reports are WHAT you sold. Find out what in your store is
selling and what is not. Find out how many you have. You can print out
total merchandise reports or reports by employee. Each report can be
sorted by stock number, or by merchandise category, or by vendor. If you
choose to print by either category or vendor you may choose to print
every item or only the category or vendor totals.
Options C through H are the sales in the current merchandise file.
History must be turned on using POSCONFG.EXE, you must be keeping track of your inventory in the stock table.
A sales history is the record of which merchandise you have sold by stock number, pieces and dollars. From "today" you may go back 1 to 12 months. 1 month is the current month so if it is the 5th of the month the history will only be for 5 days. History always starts the 1st of the beginning month. History is updated at the end of every transaction so is always current.
The sales history file is 624,000 bytes long, consider this before turning "history" on. History rolls over after 12 months, ie. month 13 will overwrite month 1.
An inventory merchandise report prints quantities on hand.
If you set it up using the "Inventory" feature in the POSCONFG.EXE program an inventory report can also print the monetary value of your inventory. You can print either the "cost" value for your inventory (what you paid for your merchandise) or a "sell" value (what you will receive when you sell your merchandise.)
If an item in the report has no value (either the "Price" or "Cost" respectively is zero) then the stock number for that item will be followed by a pound sign, i.e.12345#. This will warn you that the value of those items will not be included in the value of the inventory.
For an inventory report you may select to include or exclude those items of which you have zero in stock. If from the "Inventory" column in the stock table you pressed [F7] to "Do not keep inventory on this item" then those items will not be included in the inventory report even if you select to include items with a zero inventory.
DALE'S KEY SHOP 1234 STATE STREET CHICAGO, IL 60600 (312) 555-1234 ------------------------------------------------- TRAN ASSOCIATE TIME 1317 0 21:39 ------------------------------------------------- 07-02-2001 PIECES SALES 55 SINGLE SIDED BRASS KEY 53 91.98 110 FOREIGN CAR KEY 1 3.49 BRASS KEYS 4.97% 56 95.47 ------------------------------------------------- 13 SINGLE SIDED COLOR KEY 334 819.58 68 DOUBLE SIDED COLOR KEY 5 12.45 181 FREE COLOR KEY 0 .50 COLOR KEYS 43.31% 339 832.53 ------------------------------------------------- 26 IMPORT CREDIT CARD KEY 1 .49 C CARD KEYS .03% 1 .49 ------------------------------------------------- 246 MEDECO KEY 1 6.99 MEDECO KEYS .36% 1 6.99 ------------------------------------------------- 460666 ORIGINAL CAR KEY 116 338.45 ORIGINAL KEYS 17.61% 116 338.45 ------------------------------------------------- 221096 VATS / TRANSPONDER KEY 3 75.00 ELECTONIC KEYS 3.90% 3 75.00 ------------------------------------------------- 152 RUBBER GRIP CAR KEY 68 204.48 RUBBERGRIP KEY 10.64% 68 204.48 ------------------------------------------------- 6936 KEY PAL KEY CHAIN 10 25.00 182070 MAGNETIC SECRET KEY BOX 2 4.00 425818 3/4" SPLIT KEY RING 1 .25 425834 1 INCH SPLIT KEY RING 3 .75 KEY CHAINS 1.56% 16 30.00 ------------------------------------------------- 423030 FD-PUMPKINJAR 2 70.00 FOOD 3.64% 2 70.00 ------------------------------------------------- 686 GF-EXECPCKTKN 1 15.00 767 FD-ORIGINALPW 6 59.94 1326 GF-BRTCHROMER 1 17.00 1339 GF-STNCHROMER 1 17.00 281544 FD-16 OZ ASSO 11 154.00 GIFTS 13.99% 21 262.94 ------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 100.00% 623 1922.35 |
Profit report.
For each line in your stock table a profit report will multiply the pieces sold times your current cost for each item. It will then subtract that from the "Value sold" for that line to calculate the profit for that line. It will not take into account that the cost for an item may have changed over time, it will only use the current cost for each line. The Value Sold figure takes into account price changes, discounts, and reductions.
Returns will count as negative sales, which means that for individual lines you may have negative values or values of zero if sales and returns cancel out. Only lines that have a non-zero value for Value Sold and / or Pieces sold will be on the report.
The "Value sold" and "Pieces sold" amounts are the values currently in the stock table. These values are reset to zero when you close out the cash register and choose to "Reset the merchandise data." This means that a profit report can only be generated as far back as the last time you reset the merchandise data. If you reset it daily then you can only generate daily profit reports, if you reset weekly then you can only generate weekly profit reports, etc.
Each column (except "Unit cost") will be totaled and a total profit figure will be provided.
| | VALUE | PIECES | UNIT |TOTAL | STOCK NUMBER|DESCRIPTION | SOLD | SOLD | COST | COST | PROFIT 657135|COLOR KEY ONE| 454.48| 152 | .19| 28.88| 425.60 2416541644|PERSONALI KEY| 117.49| 31 | .31| 9.61| 107.88 TOTAL PROFIT| | 571.97| 183 | | 38.49| 533.48 |
Sample Profit Report
Inventory value report.
This report will give the total value of your inventory. It does this by taking the number of pieces of each line in the stock table and multiplying that by the "R PRICE" for the "Total inventory at price." It also multiplies the inventory times the "COST" to give you a "Total inventory at cost." Whenever you create this report it will give you both figures.
For this report to give you accurate figures you must correctly fill in the "R PRICE" and "COST columns for every item in your stock table. The report has no way of telling if an "R PRICE" or "COST" is incorrect. It will not tell you if an item is missing either of these figures because some items, like services, may not require an "R PRICE" or "COST."
Printing / Saving reports.
After you create a report it will be displayed on the screen, you can scroll up and down to display the entire report. While viewing the report if you press [TAB] you be offered the options to print out the report on your printer or save the report as either a text file or data file. A text file will save the report exactly as it is on the screen it and can read into any word processing software. A data file will save the report in a comma delimited format that can be read into either spreadsheet or database software.